Check with the AAUW Membership Department for the current version. This was current as of July 2008.
Thank you for your interest in forming a new branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW.) AAUW members belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a affair chance.
This document is a guide through the branch formation process, and all forms as well as reference materials are attached to this guide for your convenience. Throughout this process you will need numerous documents listed below, however, we will remind you through each phase of the process when to use which documents.
Branch Formation Required Document List
- State Board Approval for Branch Organization
- Branch Formation and Naming Policy 205
- Model Branch Bylaws (Select Model Bylaws or Working Rules)
- Working Rules for Organizing Branches (Select Model Bylaws or Working Rules)
- Petition for Branch Recognition
- Checklist for Recruiting New Members (reference)
- Sample letter for recruiting individuals (reference)
- Charter Member List/Branch Officer Form
- New/Renewal Additional Dues Remittance (ADR)
Phase I:
Work with your AAUW state membership vice president (MVP), who can offer you a wealth of information on AAUW and who can help you form a branch organizing team, recruit members, and complete the necessary paperwork to form a new branch.
Recruit a core group of three to five individuals. Involve them in organizing your new branch by educating them about AAUW’s mission and current initiatives. After they are familiar with AAUW, have them recruit 10 more individuals. We have attached a checklist for recruiting new members reference document. The total number of individuals needed to start a branch is 15.
Complete the attached State Board Approval for Branch Organization Form. Be sure to include the proposed name of your potential branch. Also review the attached Branch Formation and Naming Policy 205. Send the form to the state MVP, referenced above. After the state board of directors votes to grant approval for your branch, the form is signed by the state president and MVP and sent to the Association. Once the Association receives the form, you will receive notification to proceed.
Required Phase I Documents
- State Board Approval for Branch Organization
- Branch Formation and Naming Policy 205 (reference)
- Checklist for Recruiting New Members (reference)
- Sample letter for recruiting individuals (reference)
Phase II:
Form task forces for bylaws completion, membership marketing, and program development. The next three steps highlight the objectives of each task force.
Decide if your branch will operate under bylaws or working rules for the first year. If you choose to operate under bylaws, complete the model bylaws (fill-in-the-blanks). If you choose to operate under working rules, a sample copy is also attached. Notify the Association bylaws chair of your choice, submitting two copies of model bylaws or notice of plan to use working rules.
Identify potential members and begin recruiting. Make a special effort to recruit women and men who represent a cross-section of your community in terms of age, race, cultural background, abilities, religion, sexual orientation, and occupation. (You must have at least 15 individuals eligible for membership to be recognized as a branch. To be eligible, an individual must have an associate’s or equivalent baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution. Should you have fewer than 15 eligible individuals, you can form a satellite of another branch. Later, once you have a stronger membership base, you can choose to become a branch).
Plan your programming by asking where members interests lie. Discuss the community’s needs. Be sure to plan a small project that will spur your group into community action.
Required Phase II Documents
- Model Branch Bylaws (Select Model Bylaws or Working Rules)
- Working Rules for Organizing Branches (Select Model Bylaws or Working Rules)
- Checklist for Recruiting New Members (reference)
- Sample letter for recruiting individuals (reference)
Phase III:
Select your group’s officers. Then complete the Charter Member/Branch Officer Form so your group receives important AAUW leadership publications and notices. (The officers you initially choose may be temporary. Once your group becomes larger, you may choose to elect new officers. Just be sure to notify AAUW of new officers so they will receive AAUW leadership mailings. You can use the Officer Change Form to notify AAUW of new officers.)
Send the Charter Member/Branch Officer’s form along with the Petition for Recognition documents to AAUW. Also send a copy of the these documents to your state president. The following forms, included in your branch formation materials, must be completed for your group to be recognized as an AAUW branch:
- Petition for Branch Recognition
- Charter Member List/Branch Officer Form
In addition to the forms mentioned above, the Membership Toolkit for your Branch Membership Vice President and a Finance Toolkit for your Branch Finance Officer, are available on the website for downloading.
Required Phase III Documents
- Petition for Branch Recognition
- Charter Member List/Branch Officer Form
Phase IV:
Congratulations you are in the home stretch! At its next meeting, the AAUW Board of Directors will vote to officially recognize your group as a new AAUW branch. Soon after, you’ll receive a recognition letter, certificate, and a $50 award grant.
After you receive approval from the AAUW board it will now be time to begin collecting dues from your new members. All dues for state should be submitted to the state using a copy of the NEW/Renewal Additional Dues Remittance Form. Then send the state finance officer a copy of the Charter Member/Branch Officer’s Form and state dues for each branch member.
If your branch is opening a bank account, before doing so, you will need an Employee Identification Number (EIN) and you will need to complete an IRS Form SS-4. We know that IRS can be a challenge, but if you follow the quick tips below and read the attached materials from IRS you should be fine.
When completing the IRS’s SS-4 use these help tips:
- Begin with the application
- View additional materials, select continue
- Choose “other non-profit/tax exempt”, select continue
- Read and select continue
- Read and select continue
- Enter banking purposes
- Enter responsible party
- Select individual
We have embedded the necessary links below for your reference.,,id=102767,00.html
Required Phase IV Documents
- New/Renewal Additional
Dues Remittance (ADR) Forms (copy to send state with state dues and the original to AAUW with national dues)
As you grow your branch, you will find the AAUW website a great resource. We have attached a key links in the AAUW Member Center that will help you grow your branch.
Membership Resources
Membership Matters and Tips & Tactics the monthly MVP Highlights
Membership Campaigns
Membership Tool Kit
Member Services Database
Additional Dues Remittance (ADR) Forms
Continued contact with your state membership vice president will help your group move toward completion of all requirements.