New web site

There was a kerfuffle today on the Social Media Page and the Social Media Strategy Group about not using the new logo until “approved” versions are available. I guess I did expect that versions suitable for social media profiles (e.g. square) would be among those released early. A date in “March” will suffice — but better staff oversight of what’s happening in the member conversations in social media might have headed off some wasted effort.

Anyway, if anyone’s listening, here’s a list of issues I’ve seen with the new web site: Continue reading

WordPress as a CMS? Bah, humbug – but there’s hope!

I’ve been using WordPress as a website platform since 2006. At the 2007 NTC, I was carrying around my yellow WordPress messenger bag (note – even before the W logo was standardized) and tried to start a BOF session on “WordPress as a CMS” – no takers.

Anyway, fast forward to yesterday’s WordCamp San Francisco that I partially attended via live stream. There is still a *really* strong bias towards WordPress as a blog platform. And that’s fine. That’s what Matt uses it for (adding pages and image galleries to a blog do not a CMS make) and I’m sure that’s a large part of its popularity — essentially single user, expository platforms. Continue reading

AAUW Webmanagers’ 10th annivesary gathering

The AAUW webmanagers’ listserve was established after the 1999 convention (where I did a workshop with the first AAUW webmanager — see June 1999 entry.)

It looks as if this group will get together in St. Louis for lunch, on Friday, June 26.

For details, twitter to “d nes49” or check the Facebook group for the convention. We’d hope to be in the official program, but one never knows…

[This conflicts with the legacy circle lunch and the Patsy Mink documentary — but hopefully, this will all be ok.]