New rates for postage

I somehow missed any real news about postage rates going up on April 17, but for an offhand comment about extra ounces being $.20 instead of $.17.  So I went to investigate, and sure enough, rates have gone up (but a first class letter is still $.44). Long time readers may remember my post from 2009 singing the praises of a small postal scale and giving my cheat sheet on the postage rates. Here’s the updated summary of postage rates that fits in the little wallet that came with the scale when I bought it years ago, with extra copies for other scales (I’ve got three) or to post near where you put stamps on the mail.

Of course, if you want all the details, feel free to check out the 52 (!) page price list from the USPS (and even then you need to follow a link to get a definition of “nonmachinable”).

New postage rate cheat sheet

Okay, I’ve been fighting with the AAUW Membership Pilot Program all weekend — mostly trying to dope out a better way to organize a summary report on branch renewals — and bumping against the complexities of dual members, c/u reps and more.

But what organization makes AAUW look like simplicity personified? The US Postal Service! Have you looked at their new rate tables? Egads…

Why am I digging into this? Years ago,  I discovered the MP4000 Scale from Metal Products Engineering, Inc. It comes in a little wallet, a shade larger than a business card.  I’m not sure  MP Engineering is still selling updated rate cards, so I’ve done my own in Excel. You can find the results here:

USPS Rates: May 2009

If you’ve got more insight into how the USPS organizes its information and catch any errors in that, please let me know.

I print the tables “3 up” because I’ve got a scale in the office, another in the kitchen, and paste a copy of the table near where I keep the stamps to remember, “How much extra postage does the square birthday card need?”  Besides, I’ve given away several of these so print the rate tables to send to the giftees.

The scale itself really is handy. Order it here:

Testimonial and a bit of history:

Info from USPS on the rate changes taking effect Monday, May 11: including the 44-page (!) rate guide.