Transcript of #fem2 twittercast from 1/18

I’m not sure anyone’s interested in this, but since there’s a follow on discussion on Sunday night, I’m posting my version of the discussion of Sunday the 18th. To see how the program has actually been written up, see

Threaded discussion from #fem2 twittercast, 1/18/2009

This transcript attempts to reorder the tweets of the twittercast into threads. Apologies for any misunderstandings. For the raw data, go to

  • Fem2pt0 good evening, everyone! time to get this twittercast started: what issues should we cover at Fem2.0?
  • GloPan: Fair Pay, obviously. And healthcare, work-family balance, how women are depicted in the media…
    • nes49: Would case studies on how GloPan’s topics get pushed through web 2.0 channels be appropriate?
  • MadamaAmbi: if I were going to be in attendance, I would want to discuss how to make a movement 2.0
    • blogdiva @MadamaAmbi “how to make a movement” is really a good topic. i have no idea how that is “instigated” or if it can be, for that matter
    • Jillmz re: how to make a movement-it’s amazing the different ways that can happen-many routes to expression/activism, might depend on issue
  • ktdagroovecat: @fem2pt0 generational divide! says the resident fem2.0 millennial :)
  • Luci_Kali: perhaps what to anticipate in the 1st 100 days of Obama’s administration in regards to women’s rights, health
  • cameronreilly @blogdiva I launched a podcast about feminism last year but it didn’t catch up
  • Jillmz I’m interested in rules of engagement: how do we not talk past each other, as well as people w/whom we’re disagreeing on an issue
  • veronicaeye But do want to know what media topics peeps want coverd
    • nes49 @veronicaeye – media topics? would the (relatively) new “mom’s spaces” appearing on newspaper sites count? a venue for feminism?
  • MadamaAmbi @Fem2pt0 this is so important…I have much to say on this…
  • GloPan I am constantly amazed by how many women’s blogs and ventures there are on the Internet, all seemingly doing it on their own.
    • MadamaAmbi @GloPan yep…we need to unify in order to leverage our power
      • dianamarie @MadamaAmbi Excellent! Alliances must be formed across divdes to make a real difference for all women!
    • blogdiva @GloPan what do you mean by that? i mean, blogs were supposed to be about doing it on your own w/o corporate leashes
    • Jillmz I agree w/ @GloPan re: how many individual blogs/ventures; its independence that entices us to speak out, but how can we find others
    • GloPan Blogs should be independent, but single voices speaking on different things not as powerful as many speaking about 1 thing at once.
  • Jillmz I think Fem2pt0 is a great example of gravitating for better, more impact (we hope, right!?) but what else can we be doing?
  • FaithFeminism @Fem2pt0 What new (tech-y?) methods can we utilize to connect feminist leaders with “grassroots” activists?
  • Jillmz making alliances goes back to last week in that it can feel risky to step up when it might involve giving up some independence
  • MadamaAmbi I’m getting a little ahead of this convo, but we need a 5 yr plan & a 10 yr plan
  • blogdiva we also need to talk about money. raising money for this event has been like pulling teeth because people don’t want to fund feminists
  • GloPan Campaign idea: For one week, we all agree to reach out to 3 blogs a day and invite them to Fem2.0 site.
    • GloPan Of course, there needs to be more substance on issues on the Fem2.0 site.
    • HopeChat @GloPan good evening, I think that is a good idea
  • MadamaAmbi @blogdiva that’s why we need to workaround this reality and stream/video/webcam
    • GloPan @MadamaAmbi We are working on it – I think it’s going to happen, just can’t promise at this point.
    • blogdiva @MadamaAmbi i have to double check but am sure webcasting is being taken care of
  • MadamaAmbi can we talk about why ppl are afraid of feminists/feminism?
    • Tifanei @MadamaAmbi please do
    • Tifanei @MadamaAmbi I took a Gender & New Media class where we addressed this question. The answers were infuriating, but good lesson learned.
    • MadamaAmbi we’re in a double-bind as feminists. We are trying to take power without upsetting anyone…!!!…
      • GloPan @MadamaAmbi But there are also those who believe that upsetting people is the way to get people to pay attention.
      • GloPan I think the fearlessness about upsetting people is a part of the feminism brand that a lot of people don’t like.
        • MadamaAmbi @GloPan women being put in foreground is upsetting enuf! Don’t have to work at it,imo!
        • MadamaAmbi @GloPan agree! But I am fearless, that’s a fact. I have nothing to lose.
        • dianamarie @GloPan While fearlessness of upsetting people is ok for other activist causes it’s so “anti-woman” that with feminism it burns more.
          • GloPan @dianamarie So true. I worked on the breast implant issue for a while, and the derision over the feminist aspects of it totally GloPan ovrshadowed/buried the real threat to women’s health and their families’ economic security
          • MadamaAmbi @dianamarie you make a really important point…could be a topic all by itself…breaking the archetype open
      • Tifanei personally I am not trying to GET power I think I’m trying to stop people who think they can allocate my already established .
  • Jillmz so…there’s communication & engagement; participation & funding; issues – maybe those are general categories for topics?
  • ktdagroovecat re: topics: need to offer lessons on “online activism,” not just giving money, but using fb page as soapbox & being thought leader
  • GloPan How do we get the millions of women online to become activists? They have the opinions, but just are not connected to the issues.
    • Jillmz @GloPan that kind of thing has come up when issues involve mothers but the group has many women who are not mothers
      • blogdiva @Jillmz oh lord have mercy … that focusing on mothers is taking the attention away from them (or something like that) :P
      • Jillmz @blogdiva LOL I know I know!! lol
      • Jillmz @Jillmz but to be fair…. now… :) I don’t blog my momness a ton, but when solid feminist issues come up…and I throw in my perspective, which is as a mom (cuz I am one), I get some really hateful stuff back; we need to be helpful
      • Jillmz that’s the whole point of engaging: so we BUILD on our different perspectives, make the activism stronger, more universal
      • GloPan @Jillmz Ha! We need to be saints!
        • Jillmz @GloPan LOL You mean…we aren’t? :)
        • MadamaAmbi @GloPan maybe we need to teach/learn how to argue productively…
          • Tifanei @MadamaAmbi and isn’t strong rhetoric the key to everything
            • ktdagroovecat @Tifanei absolutely! can’t be afraid to talk about it, not with anyone. first step is always communication, i think
            • MadamaAmbi @Tifanei dunno. I didn’t study rhetoric, studied psychotherapy, drama, lit, voice
            • Jillmz some conversations w/potential allies regarding race have had to deal w/some of these issues of communication, yes?
            • Tifanei @MadamaAmbi well I am… and it is. In my opinion of course. It’s how any face of a movement did it.
            • MadamaAmbi @Tifanei I’m listening!
            • Tifanei @MadamaAmbi well it depends on which theory you want to consider. All the good ones use relativity to connect with anyone.
            • Tifanei the strongest, most influential argument. It’s the art of influential speech. How can you fail if you’ve mastered an art???
            • MadamaAmbi @Tifanei sounds reasonable. Can u recommend a book/text/resource to study?
    • MadamaAmbi @GloPan one at a time, relationship by relationship, creating connections across issues, cross-pollinating, what we R doing right here
    • Jillmz some of this goes back to how do we engage w/each other, communication, so we don’t talk past each other
    • myrnatheminx Women have to be courageous enough to jump into things regardless of level of “expertise” We talk ourselves out of things
    • Jillmz I was just looking over the sessions listed right now – it is AMBITIOUS!
    • terrizsoloceo @3keyscoach @blogdiva is doing a feminist conversation thing #fem2 I think!
    • GloPan Join Fem2pt0 Twittercast on Tweetchat, room #fem2
    • Tifanei You consider how the audience is going to interpret your message. You consider why they would have different interps and come up with
    • Jillmz fems, I need to turn in – getting excited for 2/2 thanks for engaging, letting me engage :)
    • GloPan @nerdette Yes, let’s end the Mommy Wars! #fem2
    • GloPan Thanks everyone. Same time next week: Why men should be feminists. And we can have one more nite before confrence. Ideas anyone?
    • dianamarie As much as I’m loving the #fem2 discussion it’s time to either work or hit the sack. Haven’t decided which, but either way… ‘night tweeps!