Web 2.0 and NCCWCSL

From Nancy to contacts involved in state student advisory councils and NCCWCSL, 5/16:

Audrey, Lynn – have the topics of SecondLife, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. come up with any of the student advisory council folks?

Terri – is this something that’s going to be touched upon at NCCWSL (I know in 2005 there was a blogroll developed but things have moved pretty far beyond that).

From Andrea Minkow, 5/17:

For this years conference we have utilized facebook as a tool for organizing and outreach.  It has been successful for the SAC students and their cohort to communicate about the conference.  It is going to be my recommendation that we expand this type of communication/outreach effort for next years conference.

We are also planning on having a cyber cafe on site at the conference.  We want students to be able to blog, etc.  I like the idea of posting tweets, but I am not sure how to work this from the back end – maybe you can help me set this up?  Any additional recommendations on how to enhance this part of the programming are more than welcome!

Other ideas:

  • Encourage attendees to tag conference related web info with “nccwcsl” (or whatever the current style guide says) in del.icio.us. They could tag their blogs with this if they’re comfortable with making those addresses public to those who know about the nccwcsl tag.
  • Setup accounts (and perhaps a special board) at http://discuss.aauw.org for the attendees — so that those who don’t have their own blog would have somewhere to put comments/questions and connect with each other after the conference.
  • Podcasting short interviews (or longer sessions) with the attendees. Would require someone with facility as an “interviewer”.

All of these  are hypothetical at this point — and the attendees themselves may have better ways to use the ‘net to share what’s happening at the conference, to both build community among the attendees, share the excitement with those who may wish to attend next year, and make the whole thing “real” to the AAUW members who may be convinced to increase their support.

If any of these ideas “work” for NCCWCSL, perhaps there’s still time to apply the best of them to the AAUW Convention in Phoenix. See, in particular, the podcasts from the STC (Society for Technical Communications) conference: techwritervoices.com