E-mail tips.

Okay, with all the talk about web 2.0 let’s not forget the days before the web (web minus one?). Some of you probably saw your first list of e-mail tips a l-o-o-o-n-g time ago. [This summer will, for me, mark 25 years of using e-mail almost daily.] But here’s a particularly good one

From TechSoup: 14 E-mail Do’s and Don’ts

PS: On the other hand, Web 2.0 does change things significantly. Check out

  • http://del.icio.us/tag/aauwtech for this and other AAUW tech related bookmarks
  • http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/aauwtech for the RSS feed to watch for additions to the list
  • And sign up for del.icio.us and start adding the “aauwtech” tag to things you find relevant so we can build a library of items to support training of the members

AAUW related blogs

Okay, I couldn’t decide whether to edit the previous post or add this link as a comment. So I decided to start a new thread for “AAUW related blogs”. If you have others to recommend, please register, login and post a comment. I’ll add new ones (probably found through feedster or other blog searches) as comments as I find them.

  • Absinthe An empowerment blog for pissed off female scientists and academics. See also 2/19 post: “Letter in support of Kay Weber” with a call to action to lobby LAF for support of staff at the national labs.

AAUW in the blogosphere

Continuing the Web 2.0 discussion, here’s my current list of AAUW “blogs” or sites generating RSS feeds. Not all are active:


www.aauw.org will enter this list on the next redesign – scheduled for launch in June 2007. In the meantime, there’s a kludgey, member-maintained RSS feed on the “What’s New” section on the home page. Use www.bbvx.org/rss/whatsnewaauw.xml as the feed. (See a video of how to insert this into your Google home page at wiki.bbvx.org. Of course the same technique would work for the RSS feed on any of the above blogs.)