Wondering about SecondLife?
See http://npsl.wikispaces.com/ an overview from TechSoup that’s been tracking this for more than a year.
Wondering about SecondLife?
See http://npsl.wikispaces.com/ an overview from TechSoup that’s been tracking this for more than a year.
Trying to decide what kind of technology is right for your application? See this matrix from Michelle Murrain, www.metacentric.net, and the corresponding discussion at the NTEN nptechconsult affinity group (login required).
A Technorati search for “pay equity” turned up Antigone Magazine, a semi-annual magazine about women and politics at the University of British Columbia. Its blogroll may be of interest or check this post about academic salaries.
Hmmm… I’ve just come across twitter.com. It’s one more tool/environment that you apparently need to try before you can figure it out. As far as I can tell, it’s kind of like micro-blogging (without a permanent record) — or broadcast IM. On the other hand, Keith Peters, in the Bit-101 blog describes it as office background noise.
You notice these trivial things people are doing just like you notice Jim from accounting brought back Indian food for lunch.
Is this important for community building? For those of us who are connecting virtually, do we need a way to replace all those random inputs we get when we’re interacting in a physical space.
Will there be a “grand convergence” of all these different “social spaces”? Until then, how does one choose?
For now, I think not — but holler at me if you think I’m wrong.
I heard yesterday that AAUW MO is looking into creating a “presence” on Second Life. I’ll let you know as I hear more since I don’t even know what that means at this point.