AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference – Virtual Branches

Here’s the info from the “Swap Shop” discussion of Virtual Branches at the AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference in Richmond VA, Sept 28, 2024. Feel free to post in the Comments if you have specific questions or suggestions.

Other resources

Reading List

The first two were mentioned in the Nevada talk linked above. They are suggested as a way to start thinking differently about the branch model.

  • Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam, 2000. [Revised and updated version, 2020, includes a new chapter about the influence of social media and the Internet, covered in the other two books listed here.]
  • Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, Clay Shirky, 2008.
  • They Didn’t See Us Coming: The Hidden History of Feminism in the Nineties, Lisa Levenstein, 2020. [How some of the ideas of the other two books started emerging at the 1995 Beijing Conference on Women.]

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