Hi, all. I’ve been recently appointed to the AAUW Leadership Corps for 2011-2013. I haven’t been through the orientation/training yet, and this is a new AAUW structure (formed in 2009) so it’s possible what I hope to accomplish and the way the corps works won’t match. But for now I expect my focus to be:
- Help spread the word about the success of the AAUW Tar Heel (NC) Branch. I discussed this at the AAUW Convention Workshop on Alternate Leadership Structures (see the workshop handout which includes two pages on the THB). I believe that each state would benefit from starting such a branch (or, perhaps, reconfiguring an existing “online branch” to more closely match the THB model) to support those members who live far from all geographically-based branches or for whom the nearby branches aren’t a good “fit”.
- Continue my 15-year effort to improve adoption of technology to advance the mission of AAUW. In 2001-2003, as a member of the AAUW Program Development Committee, I’d hoped to initiate publication of a “Technology ToolKit”. The world has changed a lot since then, but there is still a possibility of AAUW providing a framework to help members scale technology challenges for the benefit of AAUW and other aspects of their lives. This has been a multi-faceted journey, and I hope, in particular, to learn more about the new Site Resources program that AAUW is launching to support branch/state web sites and how I can support the members taking advantage of this.
I look forward to talking to many of you over the biennium.