100 years of Anne of Green Gables

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables was published in 1908. For those whose love of education was validated by reading about Anne and her triumphs, happy anniversary! This Facebook group has some information about the events to celebrate the anniversary and a website is “coming soon”. While Anne’s path and mine have diverged, her commitment to education was, I’m sure, a part of who I am today.

I reread  the first book over the holidays and may make it through the cycle (my dogeared copies are still on the bookshelf) by the end of the year. Anyone else doing the same?

  • As a childless woman of 58, I “heard” things from Marilla that I’d missed in the first half-dozen reads all those years ago.
  • Lordy. What would have happened to Anne if they’d had ritalin?
  • Ah, the problems of teenagers of my grandmother’s generation: who would take your spot in the creek where you kept your lunch bottle cold? who in town had the newest crochet patterns. [cf. I am Charlotte Simmons] Has it really been only 100 years to bring about such changes?
  • Teaching license at age 16? At 21, the job of TA was one of the hardest I’ve had — and that was only a few hours a week with a very focused subject matter responsibility.

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