This is my attempt to maintain my sanity as I try to keep a handle on multiple threads of AAUW change. My roles related to this process include:
- AAUW NC president, responsible for ensuring that messages get out appropriately to the members in North Carolina.
- AAUW NC change agent – since 2002 pushing for structural and cultural change to make AAUW NC a more effective, efficient and engaging organizatin
- Current and former AAUW committee/task force member – with some up close views of the difficulty of staff/member communications
- “Not a life member” – who sometimes does wonder why all of this is taking up so much of her time.
- Member of the Organizational Structure and Governance Task Force, established in December 2006 with the charge to: Design a more relevant and effective organizational structure (national to local levels) for AAUW’s future. [Memo introducing this and other task forces.]
Here’s how I introduced myself to the task force:
I joined in 1994 when I was 44. While I’ve helped my branch with a few mission-related projects, most of my work has been to support the infrastructure of the organization — from a branch web site in 1995, to my current service on the Technology Usability Advisory Group (aka beta testers for the recently launched member services database). I’ve been on the AAUW NC board (first as branch president or technology chair/web manager and now as state president) since 1998, and I served on the PDC 2001-2003. After exploring a few careers (mathematician, system administrator, trainer, IT consultant), I work for myself helping small nonprofits realize the benefits of the web and related technologies.