More e-mail tips

I’ve written about this before, but it never hurts to have a reminder on how to use that “Web Minus 1” application: e-mail.

See this post at for a good discussion.

My pet peeve this week has been folks who forward all the information as an attachment. Yes, you may have worked hard on that MSWord invitation, but please give folks at least the gist of what’s in the attachment in the body of the e-mail. Please look for one of the many ways to convert your printable attachment to PDF — there are still MSWord viruses out there and while your system may be clean, are sure about all the reicpients of your message since they may forward it on after it is infected?

E-mail tips.

Okay, with all the talk about web 2.0 let’s not forget the days before the web (web minus one?). Some of you probably saw your first list of e-mail tips a l-o-o-o-n-g time ago. [This summer will, for me, mark 25 years of using e-mail almost daily.] But here’s a particularly good one

From TechSoup: 14 E-mail Do’s and Don’ts

PS: On the other hand, Web 2.0 does change things significantly. Check out

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